Mountain Bike Linksantiwar.com-Good place to find out about the insanity in the world and a chance to reflect on 4 more years of misery. Donate if you can the truth is getting harder to find. weather.com -Good place to check the weather b4 hitting the trails. Check out this link for an excellent radar view of California when there is rain around. californiaexcitement.com-A nice collection of CA links for recreation, entertainment and much more. imba.com-Please join this mountain biking organization. They are actively involved in keeping the trails open to bikers and many other beneficial causes for the sport. sharemtb.com-An Orange County based biking club that offers group rides, trail maintenance and a newsletter. Web site has fitness info and current biking legislation issues and much more. Singletrack Mind-Explore this site for plenty of great rides in So Cal with detailed trail descriptions.. socalmtb.com-After your done with my site, cruise on over to socalmtb and check out the trail talk and lots of other fun stuff. Tahoe's Best- Great site for the Tahoe lovers like me. Check out the biking section of course. Alaska Mountain Biking-A nice site on mountain biking in Alaska. Looks kind of cold but great pictures and stories. California Oak Foundation- A group of concerned citizens who are making a difference by preserving the California Oaks! Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Activities-A listing of docent lead tours in and around the Orange County area. Orange County Wild-A comprehensive listing of parks and protected areas in the Orange County area.